E-Club Member Special Booking Engine
As a Member of Florida Club’s E-Club, You Get Special Access to Our E-Club Member’s Only Booking Engine with Better Rates & Specials!
An additional E-Club Member BONUS: 10-day booking window! Available only online!
It is important that you read the terms & conditions carefully before booking your tee time.
CANCELLATION POLICY: Effective 1/1/17- If you do not cancel your reservation 24 hours prior to your tee time, your credit card will be charged the full amount due. Furthermore, if you make a tee time reservation “within” 24 hours of the date/time of play and need to cancel for any reason, your credit card will be charged in full for the tee time reserved. No Exceptions. To cancel your reservation, please email us providing your name, date and time of the reservation at info@floridaclubgolf.
NO-SHOW POLICY: If you arrive on the date of play with less participants than you reserved, you will be charged in full for the incomplete party(s). No Exceptions.
INCLEMENT WEATHER: If the Florida Club is closed due to inclement weather the reservation will not be subscribed to any cancellation/no-show charges.
ATTIRE: Proper Golf Attire is appreciated and required when playing at our facility. We thank you for your cooperation on this matter.
*A No-Show is defined as either a partial and or total.